Koreangomer’s Weblog

Getting to know my God, my family and my heritage

Something Special November 27, 2007

Filed under: johnny hunt,Uncategorized — koreangomer @ 8:46 pm

The other night my husband and I were ‘watching’ a Nov. 18 Sunday night service from First Baptist Woodstock online and I witnessed something that truly touched my heart.  I don’t know all the details of what happened with Steven Flockhart, but I know he messed up…real bad.  He was pastor of a church in West Palm Beach and lied on his resume aobut his education.  He also used church money for personal use at a previous church.

 All that said, most people would write this man off.  Label him disqualified from the ministry…not Johnny Hunt.  He cared enough about this man to help him through a complete restoration, and in this particular Sunday evening service Mr. Flockhart was commissioned to serve in the ministry again.  I don’t remember the church but Mr. Flockhart has been called as their pastor.

 I sat and watched with tears streaming down my face because I was so touched by Pastor Hunt’s genuine love for this man.  What a beautiful picture of God’s constant love and forgiveness that was played out right in front of my eyes!  How many pastors do you know who would extend this kind of forgiveness and grace?  I know of not one. 

My heart was encouraged to see that there is at least one Godly pastor out there who will practice what they preach. 


Top ten things I love…how about you???

Filed under: top ten list,Uncategorized — koreangomer @ 1:05 am

1.  God

2.  My husband

3.  My children

4.  My family

5.  My Life Application Bible

6.  Third Day

7.  Korean food

8.  Sirloin Marsala from Carrabbas Italian Grill (thanks Rodney!)

9.  Vanilla ice cream

10.  REALITY TV!!!!!!!!