Koreangomer’s Weblog

Getting to know my God, my family and my heritage

Been a while… January 7, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — koreangomer @ 8:41 pm

I know it’s been a while.  First comes the holidays, then…everyday life. 

Christmas was wonderful.  We stayed home this year and were able to have the kids excited about actually getting out of bed for once.  We read Luke 2 to the children and prayed together as a family.  Then it was time for presents!  It was so fun watching the children open their gifts. 

New Year’s was pretty low key.   We slept in and the next morning I attempted to fix ‘dduk kkuk’ – a traditional Korean soup that is eaten on New Year’s day.  I use the word ‘attempted’ very loosely.  I’m not good at cooking Korean food, but at least I tried.  The rest of the day was spent shopping thanks to gift cards from my big bro Dan and his wife Helen…thanks guys!

Getting back to Hosea…I am determined to complete my verse by verse study of Hosea no matter how long it takes.  Getting it started was a lot easier than keeping it up but I know there’s more I need to learn from this love story.  So off we go…


2 Responses to “Been a while…”

  1. chris g Says:

    mrs. warren! gave you some link love on my blog! i remember dave wyrtzen teaching the hosea class some 17 years ago. you go girl.

  2. koreangomer Says:

    thanks chris. those were some great times at wolbi!

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